Busy Times
25 Nov 2011
Hi People,
What can i say Its been busy times,The tracks Been flat out with all sorts of cool teams and i've been a bit remiss on up dating the site news!
So here we go!
Bryce and his team are still going strong supplying newbies to the sport, the oppertunity to drive a miget and hes also been giving tuition to some not so newbies.
On the ministock scene we've had some young and upcoming talent, Bradley Marsh our favourite lad confident,cocky but polite a rare combination in a young fella! check out his vid cherr!

On the saloon car scene Bryan Fraser, Shane Mcintyre,chris taylor and Cristin Vermuelen all cool people with mean as cars! check out their vids.

On the sprint car scene absolute extremes, beginner Wayne Wilson from New Plymouth first time in car went well.
To the other extreme of  Ricky Logan, Brad Tyrrell and Pete Murphy
But my high light of the month was the Pete Smith owned Fernz Transporter that brought Brad and Murph to the track.
 Last time Murph came to the track in the Daltons Transporter i thought they don't get bigger than this!
When i came over "What the F#@k hill" and seen that truck i coud'nt stop laughing!
 I thought that the Ricky Logan rig was big!
What a beautiful 'HOT ROD' with two sprint cars inside! does it get any better?
Apparently it does, Pete emailed me a picture of  its sister truck! too cool! check out in the gallery. Brads vid. features the transporter.Cheers Guys!

Patetonga Speedway.co.nz
TheCripple62's Channel

Great Month, Great crews, Speaking of the latter. Congrates to Mike Driver and team
on your recent win 2012: F2 Midget "Heritage Shield" Champion cool sponsors,cool team!


Ha Haa!
Just the same as last year ....But probably more rain.....SHeeeesh!
It is What it is people...Can't change the weather...but if you believe in what the boffins say about global warming, then we can! ...
Not helping here am i ...sorry...she will be all good soon!

Plum is still using all his sixth senses to prep the track

Blondeeny  is playing a blinder on the farm...the farm hasn't performed this good in a long while...
All Though he still has an attraction for the local drains in the Japaneses finest sedans,,

But being the intelligent lad he is ....hes gone and brought a Harley...
So really the more things change..the more they stay the same!

Or like blondeeny's new biker ink say's "You win some...You lose some"
Never boring that Lad....See you soon!

Are you ready ....2016/17.. Are you ready ....2016/17..

Well ..are you?
Been a long winter with health issues for Plum and changes of staff on the farm...
Will the track open for test and tuning for the 2016/2017 season...
The winter kicked the tracks "peetoot" (PC) . ...as usual but due to other issues...its been a challenge...equipment wear and tare..Mother nature ...Father time...bloody time...
Can't stop it...spent two days repairing leveling bar...8 weekends trying to help my young fella bring a farm up to 2016 standards...a farm that has not seen the word "maintenance" let alone adopt it as a priority thingy....
"Young fella"...Blondeeny...the one that always does ...the proper job.....Hey ol fella! ...got a girl pregnant....TWINS.....Grandad...'kin pups....

At the same time Grandad Cripp still has to tame his angry partner...Nod.. at his "all knowing" two remaining ..home dependent... offspring...don't raise your voice...they cry ...I suffer ....sheeeit!  BEER!

But as in life...two steps forward ..one back...my young boy is achieving ..the hell results in the cow shed...no car license (seemed like a good idea at the time)..So can't get up to too much shite...can he.....Challenging but ...Proud of that pup!..never boring!

Plum and Darren put a whole lot of clay on the track...with the "catch on fire digger."...and leveled with the repaired... thirty year old leveling bar..."you can weld rust"....roger that.....beer....
Plums been tuned up...been on the dyno...few pills...little tiny bit of tough love...mans back in the tractor seat...still not allowed to drive on our lovely maintained country roads...but around his farm ...hes like the pinball wizard...put him on his trusty AG bike he can navigate by sense of smell...or sonar...take ya pick....pretty scary...

against a lot of odds ..ladies and gentlemen... the TRACK IS OPEN!..

Phone Sam ..021 136 7133..Sorry for keeping you waiting...test and tune ya tits off...have a good season...

You know as hard as this gets..we don't care...people should have a chance/choice to live a life...check that bucket list...ONE SHOT!


                  Bryan Clauson

Thinking of you... and family.....sad day...as always...they die too young...

Vikings called it Beer!... Vikings called it Beer!...

Hi People
Been a weird season, lots of changes on the farm and Plum has had "father time" finally catch up with him...the 'Ever Green' man has had heart (fuel pump)  problems and had to undergo operations.
One of the side effects has been that it has almost left him completely blind
A private man ..(he would kill me if he knew I was writing this!) and one (like some of us do!) believe we come from good Viking stock, which means we  don't share our emotions and don't complain (much)
Unfortunately this has meant we have had to turn a lot of people away,Sorry about that,
He is the man that does all the track prep.....
Hard to believe, but the man came out of hospital pretty much blind , heart opp....with in a week prepping track....he can't drive on the road ,but he knows his farm so well (Born there) he gets around using frick'n sonar or something...got me stuffed! Back to prepping track...
He goes in for opp. on eye soon all fingers crossed here and hopefully he can kick what ever spooky thing he's using to navigate into touch and get back to a somewhat normal life...
Does sort of bring it home,there's only so many days we get to play up and have fun...family, friends....Don't waste them...and prove all the negative people that say "you can't do that!" YOU CAN!...Attitude..... I believe we call it!... Vikings called it Beer! (You can't say that!).....Hicup!....goodnight Sam...Good luck all....

Tyler Thomas #91USA Tyler Thomas #91USA

Young USA talent came to track yesterday for a shake down run in his kiwi ride,first time in NZ,living the dream. (Check vid on me you tube Channel)

All the way from the tornado alley,Oklahoma, to drive the dusty, dry track at Patetonga...to be fair Plum,direct from Hamilton Hospital jumped on the tractor ,watered track three times but the old easterly wind just blew all the moisture away,..Hold on to ya cows milk did someone say "Drought" We want compensation...sorry..been in the waikato too long!

Cheers People MERRY CHRIS! Hang in there Bryce..Get well soon Jen....And you all have a good race season and be lucky!
Catch you on the other side!

Summers Here! Summers Here!

Well sites all up to date..and I have just completed two vids from the weekend
young Luke McClymont kindly sent me some in car footage of new on the scene in saloons Brent Amrein, this young boy can peddle he has brought the ex Brent McClymont Saloon and has spent three weekends with the help of Brent McC. and family at the track learning the set up, he previously raced mini stocks and has made the change up very well, Both myself and Brent McC. were bloody nervous watching him turn laps ...hes damn fast!

Then along comes the super Saloon of Craig Cardwell, What can I say Tony and Craig always turn out a real nice car...This latest is no exception all I  can think is...
 "Sexy Beast"
Man this car sounds Mean! the track had a little bit of drizzle on it...Craig dried it off with his big Hoosiers Then started testing...I had to run and do some chores, so i could watch the big race...But I could have listened to this all day long!

Check out the Vids on YouTube www.youtube.com/user/62cripple  Copulator...Cripp

Gallery update.. Gallery update..

Hi you all...
"Been Busy" the excuse of the disorganized lame excuse using fat man!

Hi  Cripps the name.  Yeah  I know "MUST try HARDER" ...some of my genius teachers were the first to discover this fact about me..a long time ago....big ups to them..xxx

well ..good things take time...and I've updated the Gallery ... and she’s looking fine
...already this year there's been some goings on and can’t see it stopping anytime soon...I just have to pull finger and keep it updated..I can do this  , I might even make the odd movie for the YouTube channel....check it out....


You know its a Spring at Patetonga when Rigs like this turn up!

Kaihere School Funding Event Kaihere School Funding Event

Man life is good! Love still being able to be surprised at my age...
4x4 Event for Kaihere school went ahead yesterday..too late to call off because of  a "LITTLE" rain...Never have been what you would call an Off Roading enthusiast..Thought mite as well go along for a larf...
Called the Driving Legend that is James Selwyn gave him the track push truck for his ride (wipp)
Plan was to do the easy track then bail to the bog hole and have a beer and watch the carnage....Then it really started to rain!
Two Trucks slipped off the beginners track, half hour trip turned into two hour slog...no matter... back at operation central we will call this off, rain is now horizontal..this is mental..but still some how ...FUN....
Now.... this is when I find out that ya "HARD CORE" off roader is in his element and this is just a warm up... and what truly magnificent persons arranged this weather ........It's the business!
NO sign of calling this off ...GAME ON.....It was about now that I got a bit carried away with the situeyeation! ...letting out a yell "WHOS WITH ME!"
Up goes a roar from the slightly left of center patrons ...now known as ...
...Now gotta be honest ...I thought we were charging around to the bog...some how....me and my big beer drinking mate found our selves in a bloody convoy of some of the most Gnarly Over Powered Turbo Injected Huge Wheeled Roll Cage Encased Bush Bashing Trucks...driven by "HARD CORE" (my truck can go anywhere) ....Ladies and Gentlemen ....Now when you find your self, rather surprisingly in this situation, there's no backing out.(we Tried) you just have to MAN UP crush the throttle ....embrace the bow wave of swamp water coming over the bonnet...Scream Like a Bitch when you make it to the top of some impossible summit that others have failed on,,,,denying gravity from pulling you,ya big mate..chilly bin and now most prized possession..Me HARD CORE NISSAN... into some waterfall infested ..rock plagued...gully...
That Feeling you get .. when you are "Gunna Die"...some call it comfort zone (Tossers) and you Don't......you over come ...and like a parrot with no teeth ...you Succeed ...(even if you have a we accident in ya  pants) 
Is Truly ...for me ..what life is about...Cool Day!
Haven't seen Rain like that before ...never have I played in it like that before....What a Cool Cool Day...I get it Now   Cool Trucks ....Cool people ....Common interest...common Goal  . ...Having Fun...4x4...
Thanks to who ever organized the weather,it made the day!
Thanks to all those that came along for such a worth while cause with out fund raising all our schools would be shut down...politicians are working on it as we speak...yeah Rite!
End of day ..Freezing cold..Surrounded by Smiles and good people....Nice!.
Hot shower..Roast lamb...Cold beer...buzzing....perfect!
We will be doing this again ...there is a lot a of country up there just waiting to test your bladder...WHO'S WITH ME!

4 x 4 EVENT! Saturday April 18th 2015 4 x 4 EVENT!  Saturday April 18th 2015

Kaihere School is having a fundraising 4 x 4 event on Sat 18th of April. We are proud to help out our local school  that does such a fine job helping and teaching our young local kids the skills they will require when finally venturing out into the big wide world!

In keeping with the Patetonga Speedway philosophy this is a fun event for people that always just wanted to give it a go..and the truly hard core 4x4 adventurers !

To be held on two local farms ..on one farm we will have a beginners track for the man/lady that doesn't want his/her 4x4 scratched or wants to just have a go.

The second farm will have a more intermediate/advanced  track with some special stages...for the more hard core or as I call them "BOGS".

If you want to camp over night Contact Sam,

So bring out your big Chevy and Dodge Ram tow trucks ...work vehicle ... get a team together and unleash the BEAST!

Read the Attached Flyer in the Speedway Gallery for details or right click on flyer image...veiw image...Boom... White man Magic!

Base camp will be the track...personally I Can't Wait for the evenings  refreshments and the swapping of stories!

 100%  proceeds to Kaihere School. supporting tomorrows future petrol heads!

Crew Days Crew  Days

Big week end for the track Saturday seen the annual return of the mount saloons normally a cool day organized by Brian Fraser,sadly Brian lost his battle with cancer but won the chance to play in the big oval in the sky!
(R.I.P) missed by all down here.
This year Tony Heuvel stepped up and organized a brilliant day,perfect track and weather conditions made for a very enjoyable event with all the crews getting a frang in their respective owners cars ,high light for me was Ray Ray taking his wing off his Sprinter and removing his mufflers...the vid on me you-tube channel does not do the sound justice....it was LOUD!
Sunday saw the Huntly mini stocks arrive for their end of year bash,organized by Sharyn Flintoft ,Wicked day and a whole lot of fun with egg and spoon,
relay and parents races.A really cool bunch of kids and parents
For a lot of the people attending this week end ,they didn't know the test and tune track was here and they had a ball...
The new car park area worked unreal.level ground at last!,with somewhere to park these huge transporters that just seem to be growing in numbers and size!
Thanks to all those that attended and made this an excellent weekend
Cheers Plum,Sam,Cripp

Life changing experience...anyone? Life changing experience...anyone?

Hi People
Had a cool weekend ...as usual!..this one was grouse because we got to catch up with Hans Boere and clan....Hans was at the track to drive the Roger Davis owned two seater sprint car, as well as taking members of the public for a frang. He also took Mrs Hans..who has been around speedway for over 50 years and this was the opportunity for her to get a taste of what it is actually like for the select few fortunate ones! check out the vid  http://youtu.be/MWJTWrqw1us
Roger also runs the Lucas Oil sprint car that you can drive yourself if you don't have the stomach to trust somebody else at the controls!
So between Bryce with his Midget Driving Experience and Roger's sprint cars you can certainly go a long way to ticking off some automotive "must does" on the bucket list!

For corporate days, 'Stag  Dos', 21st's etc. we have been using the shooting range and the driving experience in these cars combined to give the ultimate adrenalin/testosterone day!  If you are interested in any of these check out the links section on our site or contact Sam and we will hook you up for a life changing experience...who knows you might get the bug....The Patetonga Track  has been responsible for quite a few contamination's in the driving bug area .....just quietly...

Mint weekend at the track! Mint weekend at the track!

I just love the start of a new season...weathers coming good and all the toys come to the track to be set up for the 2013/14 speedway season..phones been running hot..drivers getting that all important jump on the opposition..testing and tuning their cars and getting some time in the seat.Saturday  we had the pleasure of Dean Brindel and Greg Pickerill ,Greg with his new paint job looking sweet! Dean with his new transporter just looks the business!their Sprinters busting the lovely country peace to smithereens! (nice word) both are looking real fast!
Dean Waddel in his Brian Fraser,Phantom chassis Corvette super saloon,looking the business..nice to catch up with Brian
Sunday saw the arrival of the Solo bikes of Dylan and Benwar these boys are just flat out cool!
I thought that you couldn't get better than watching a Sprinter at full gallop around the track,Dylan proves me wrong, hes doing 15sec laps..not sitting down, hes standing for the corners and hanging on for the rest of the lap..Unreal..this boy will be NZ champion..and who knows..the world?
He has saved up to buy this ex Jason Crump bike..and brought it down to try and get used to the raw power..mission accomplished!..him and his crew camped the night at the shoot'n range..and he just rode his bike till he could not ride anymore!
Sadly Benwars dad passed away this year on his Harley...Mouse and Dylan have been looking after him..setting him up with a new solo bike,they brought his ashes to the track and Benwar and Dylan took it in turns to take him for a blast around the track in a backpack! In the words of Mouse "He goes with us every where,its what he always did...it's what he would have wanted"
Over the years We've  met some pretty cool people at the track and this posse is pretty special! Good luck for the season!
Rodney wood and family turned up for a skid and drove into the late evening having family fun ...as they do!
And I went to sleep a very happy lad! ....life is good!
The vids of all these and more will be uploaded to; www.youtube.com/user/62cripple

Winter Testing! Winter Testing!

Hi People, Winters nearly over and it will soon be time to go racing on the dirt!
I've been racing on the tar seal over the winter months and having great fun! Until I blew me trans. but that's what its all about, we will rebuild it and make it stronger with the help of the legend  Jim Browne and into it again...I know tar seal is for getting to the track... but mans gotta have fun and if the clays too wet...what's a poor boy to do?
The Speedway track is looking awesome! Plum has designed a leveling bar that brings the track up Mint!
People have been phoning Sam to see when the track opens for the season...Ha Haaa! we have no season, if its not been too wet and you can get
on the track ...then get out there!
Some drivers have been taking the opportunity over the winter to hone their driving skills and their cars,to be honest if you get it right, the track is actually at its best in the winter..really drivey ..heaps of traction..just ask Dean Brindel you won't do 11 sec. laps in the summer!

Wingless sprintcar Wingless sprintcar

Well she's been a cool summer..as one driver pointed out.."like an old fashioned one we used to have as kids" and he's right...no wind  no fluctuating from hot to cold in the blink of an eye ...and sorry farmers no rain ...but cool as for the track!
Been Busy putting all my vids back after the Google fiascoe! Went to get rid of g mail on me new android phone....And it also blew out my You Tube acc.
Wiped out Three years of work in an instant!
Who Knew? every body except me .....Aaah well Should have researched it.....
Lots of teams testing and having crew days, Bryce is putting through a lot drivers with his Open Wheel Driving Experience and Roger Davis is going well with his Drive a Sprintcar ...Both have had groups fly in from Aussie because they can not do it there! and befor all you P.C Dooms Day people get excited we have had far more experienced drivers crash and you can count them on one hand...Having fun using Common sense..how old school is that...

After Fragg came down with his side car mates, I thought I'd seen it all...
But then after Rodger had finished his drive school "Team Chris McCucheon" who were having a lousy day with their own car decided to Rape Rogers sprintcar of all its Unnecessary wings and make it into The real deal 'Wingless Sprinter'....This took about an hour in the hot sun..the boys were keen...I had a beer and polished me camera...
I thought it was the first time for NZ but as I was to be informed by a punter on me You Tube Channel....it wasn't (and I Should Research More...)
But it must of been the first for a long time  'cause I can't remember and NO.. I'm not Going to research it...you want to know more... get hold of the punter....I didn't get to be a fitter/welder by reading things!
 Life is too short ..and anywho... Sams the "details person" As she keeps telling me!...Mind you this research thing may have saved me three years.......

It looked cool but then again, I Love the winged ones as well and 'Outlaw' just makes them sound BAD!
So unusual to see...like a Midget on steroids....and the sound....you can see why my good friend James Selwyn is a believer, all there said "Make sure you take a vid of this for James,If he finds out this has gone down and missed it he'll be pissed!" Mr Selwyn You have a reputation for Wingless!
Well for James and all you over Wingless fans Check it out

Fricken Disaster Fricken Disaster

Well if you are wondering why you cant find any of my vids on you tube,its because whilst playing with me new phone and trying to get rid of Gmail I accidently wiped out my "Youtube" account!
 76 uploads 55000 hits........Woop Woop! cannot get them back youtube, google thing...will have to start again.....I am in a state of shock ....I will upload new url when I start new account.....DRINK! ...irreversible!
Been up all night made new account www.youtube.com/user/62cripple
This is new link, I will now start uploading the second of 75 uploads....Sorry for any inconvenience....curl up in a ball time...hope its been a dream/nightmare......

Side Cars At Track Side Cars At Track

Well people,
Been a bit remiss over keeping the site updated and the excuse this time is I've been down with a shoulder operation and me specialist says "you're not allowed to do jack ....." and that's exactly what I've been doing ,but after six months we are starting to move again!
Tracks been busy over the summer with the usual suspects and some not so usual! that was the case in the weekend with a local mate Fraggel turning up with some adrenalin junkies on side cars,first for the track,but apparently not a first for Frag! To my surprise Frags a swinger! I thought he had more sense!  ....apparently not! Carl Russek with his swinger Snappa..Dylan Moohan with his swinger Fraggel   put on quite a show,first time out and the track being a bit bigger than Rosebank meant a change of sprockets to drop the revs then they're off....the wrong way...or the right way for them, cool as man, they sound nice and definitely move. check them out
Roger was there with his driving experience Sprint car with the Street brothers(chassis builders) first time in a sprinter,I was smacked mouthed, they both ran in the 13sec laps consistently, bloody easy to talk it but to actually control 8hundy GG's straight out of the gate!...Reespek brothers. If you want to have a go at driving a Sprint Car or midget get hold of  Bryce or Roger check out the links page.http://driveasprintcar.co.nz
The shootings going well, with people freaking out when getting a chance to shoot some cool guns,and we have just put in some long range targets for the more experienced or confident  shooter to have a crack at.
well,must go lawns to mow,track to prep...catch up soon!

Bring on Summer... Bring on Summer...

Well it seems like it's been a really long winter and with all the rain flooding the track!...it has been...
Drivers and crews are starting to dust off their toys and bodies, head to Pate' for a bit of pre season test and tune.
We have had two big weekends with the 'usual suspects' turning up and using the track for what it was designed for...and a whole lot of newbies testing for the first time, not wanting to leave..and can't wait to get back..Big Smiles on Faces.. awesome!

Not wanting to miss out, I took the opportunity to go for a frange around the Taupo Motor Sport race track with a few of my mates.
Well I've blasted around the track at Pate' for ever,but never had the chance to get onto the tar seal. Time to 'pop the cherry'! (move over Giz!)

Consider the cherry popped! What a grouse day! sunny weather ,cold air and the sound of the mighty Chevy screaming at 6700 rpm....Magic!
The G forces, The Tyre wear, The burning breaks, The overheatin power steering....Christ i should have brought the company ute!
Just jokeing 'Fat Man'!...Wicked fun, didn't want to leave, Can't wait to get back, big smile on face...Sounds Familiar!
Really nice to not have to worry about the logistics of running the track for a day! and not having to scan every frick'n bush and tree for the revenue collectors that are doing such a wonderful job in the mighty Waikato!
Big thank you to Nick and all the flag marshals for a well organized and fun day!
Check out the vid on the youtube channel...http://www.youtube.com/user/thecripple62
See you at the track..Bring on Summer!

Six Shooters Six Shooters

Big weekend, had to go back to work for a rest!

Started off on Friday with Roger Davis and the Van Gisbergens coming down from Auckland for a bit of seat-time in the sprint car, bit of a father and son challenge thing happening 'The Giz' V 'The Cheese', (love this sort of thing, I do it all the time with my boys), but unfortunately the sprinter played up so we'll have to wait for the results when they come back.

Saturday was the annual Mount saloons get-together, with drivers, sponsors and crew going for a drive. Cool group of people, lots of laughs, a pleasure to deal with.
Glen organized a bit of controlled testing and tuning (race)

Test and tune (race) won by Michelle Wymer, closely followed by Brent McClymont.
I caught up with Steve (Maori Made Productions) and as always a pleasure.  He introduced me to Roger (Bay Park Promoter) and we had a good chat.  Loves what we are doing for the sport and wishes he could do some of the things we do here, at Bay Park. I say do it, move over P.C. people!

Racing over,  time for a few quiet ales! Brent McClymont and crew (last to leave) could have stayed there all night shooting the shite, but knew I had a big day Sunday, and me fricken balls were in risk of going the same way as me leg! (drop'n off) it was chilly aye!

Sunday was the 'Day of the Six Shooters'. Gordon Dahm and friends trying to form a budget form of racing and a step between Mini Sprints and Sprint cars, turns up in his big rig! Advertises $10 for 10 laps.....70 drivers went through, a busy day and I would suggest a very successful one. Whether you agree or not about adding another class to Speedway or not,  it was a cool day! and as far as motorsport goes, a very cheap and competitive class to enter.

Just by the sheer numbers of people that turned up, there must be a call for it......here's a vid of the day. 


So many drivers in the shooters I decided to concentrate on one...James Selwyn. Normally taking photos, he took one for a frang around the track.  He's driven quite a few cars now, and he loved it. If you were there, James more than likely took a photo of you,  you can contact him at email address
or his facebook page
 (http://facebook.com/jamesselwynphotos )
I've put a couple of photos of the cars and one of the big rig 'OVER KILL' on the Gallery under 'The Speedway',check ,'em out!

As always, cool photos, cheers James, you the man.

Copulater CRIPP

Clay Shooting Clay Shooting

Hi people,
As always the track has been busy with a whole lot of testing and tuning from the average low budget driver to British super stock drivers and even New Zealand's 26 million dollar Lotto winner!
Plums got his saloon up and running and we've been testing and tuning it!(this is the actual reason plum made the track) we're  just lucky he lets us share it! thank you Plum!
Last weekend i had the pleasure of entertaining James ,Darren and their mate for the day at the track, we had a thrash with some of me toys!
That evening (whilst quaffing the odd ale!) I asked them what they enjoyed the most Saloon ,Quad ,Clay  shooting ,off roading all the things we do in the country!
The same things that my big city friends pointed out you'd go to the Pokey for, in the city.
With that in mind,we are fast approaching the 'Picnic Season' where sponsors and teams get to play.
 If you'd like to do some clay shooting or some 'big bore' target shooting or go for a tour up in the hills, just get in contact with Sam we'll set up a day for you.
Guaranteed fun for the whole crew! ever wanted to shoot a shot gun?(not online!) 
Ever wanted to drive over something bigger than the curb going into McDonalds!
Now's your chance!

What a Summer. What a Summer.

What a summer! You'd think with all this rain, the Patetonga hills would be silent from the musical sounds of hard reving engines! you'd be wrong!
Been having a ball (as usual) meeting cool people with cool toys!
The highlight of the month for most, was seeing Shane Van Gisbergan go for his 'first ever' run in a Sprint car, thanks to family friend Roger Davis and his Lucas Oil Sprinter.
 I have put the vid of his first visit on the You Tube channel, not bad. Second time he came down, he had his game face on  and was running easy 13sec. laps.
Nice to meet Shane's dad "Cheese". Talented yet very humble guys.... Bring Your quads next time fellas!
The highlight for me has to be seeing all the new cars and drivers using the track for what it was designed for!
From the Lenditch crew with car issues in the Wendy's Midget....Sorted.
Jarred Wade and crew,  car issues...sorted,  nearly....
James Earl...testing and tuning.
Bryan Fraser and Dean Waddell testing and tuning their Phantom chassis..
Laz and Nephew, cool day, check out the vid! Laz did it all.....
Heaps more testing and tuning and just having good clean fun!
But my favourite for the month was......Graham Logan 47m... Came to the track with his crew and said "if we can't get the car  handling well  today, we're going back to the shop and cutting it up!" serious!
Well, with the help of his mate and dedicated crew at the end of the day, the 47m had gone from donkey to thorough bred! The limited saloon was flying, keeping up with a super saloon that was on the track!
I have to say, what a pleasure to sit down with them at the end of the day! Have a beer, shoot the shit and look at their big wide smiles...they had a car that didn't need chopping up....life is good!
Now i'm off to the track to see Shane Mcintyre test his brand new  Hypermac chassis super saloon with another two that he's made for customers.....did i tell you......
 "LIFE IS GOOD!"  I'll put some footage on the tube channel. over and out!
woop woop!

Sweet summer Sweet summer

Hi People,
What can i say Its beeb busy times,The tracks Been flat out with all sorts of cool teams and i've been a bit remiss on up dating the site news!
So here we go!
Bryce and his team are still going strong supplying newbies to the sport the oppertunity to drive a miget and hes also been giving tuition to some not so newbies.
On the ministock scene we've had some young and upcoming talent, Bradley Marsh our favourite lad confident,cocky but polite a rare combination in a young fella! check out his vid cherr!
On the saloon car scene bryan fraser, Shane Mcintyre,chris taylor and Cristin Vermuelen
all cool people with mean as cars!check me vids.
On the sprint car scene absolute beginner Wayne Wilson from New Plymouth first time in car went well.
To the other extreme of Ricky Logan,Brad Tyrrell and Pete Murphy
But my high light of the month was the Pete Smith owned Fernz Transporter that brought Brad and Murph to the track. When i came over "What the F#@k hill"
and seen that truck i coud'nt stop laughing! i thought the Ricky Logan rig was big!
What a beautiful HOT ROD with two sprint cars inside!does it get any better?
Apparently it does, Pete emailed me a picture of  its sister truck! too cool!check out Brads vid.

Patetonga Speedway.co.nz
TheCripple62's Channel

Great Month, Great crews, Speaking of the latter. Congrates to Mike Driver and team
on your recent win 2012: F2 Midget "Heritage Shield" Champion cool sponsors,cool team!

Cardwells test new Super Saloon Cardwells test new Super Saloon

Well here we go starting off the speedway season ... some would argue. For us, it didn't really stop. I'm not complaining, in fact, the complete opposite. Some cars have tested all  'cloak and dagger' like! Top Secret...Some have been brought out for mid-winter adrenalin run.

Bryce and crew have been putting lots of new drivers through his Midget Driving Experience school and with the addition of Roger's Lucas Oil Sprint Car people can't get enuff of it.... Me. I've still had enough time to put me quad through its paces...loving it!

So Sunday, Cardwells rock up to the track in their 'mean as' transporter, to test out their new super saloon. This is one well presented car. It looks fast just sitting still.
Tony arrived in his Corvette. I asked him if he wanted to give it a burst around the track....he diplomatically declined... mmm..maybe next time!
Their Saloon looked and performed grouse! Check it out on me you tube site!
Ethan De Jong is a young fella joining the Speedway Scene  fresh from Karting. I think he's going to run out of the springs in the F2 midget class.  First time in his car, he looked good. You can also check him out on me You Tube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCripple62

Not for the first time, I thank Dayne Plummer (Plum) for supplying this facility so new  and old drivers can hone their driving skills and develope their cars.  Or like me just have fun!

Rosie and Mike (Sparrow) thank you so much for the smoked ham steaks. I got up half six on Sunday morn'n, rolled and watered  the track, shot home, cooked some flap jacks and eggs to have with them! Bloody Superb! can't remember having such a cool breaky! Cheers guys! You bloody beauties! Got home, kids had polished off the rest!  Sheeesh! Cute lil buggers, I love em xx

Cheers  The Cripple

Dean Brindle breaks track record again! 11.1 secs Dean Brindle breaks track record again! 11.1 secs

Fathers day... Just another day... Not at Patetonga Speedway... Not when Dean Brindle and Greg Pickerill are coming out to play! Been looking forward to this all week!
Greg brought his car to blow the cob webs out of it!  Mission accomplished, this is one cool looking car!

Dean had his brand new Sprinter fresh from the U.S.A. Decked out in it's kiwi  flag paint scheme looking very tidy, if you get close enough or go to our gallery  check out the  hub caps the sign writer had a bit of fun, just spreading a bit of kiwi jargon to confuse the yanks! 
How cool is this, first run in NZ and we get to see it! Life is good!

The two crews get into it, setting up the cars, I grab a couple of photos, have a quick catch up, then get out of the way to watch these guys do battle! Quick warm up for the cars and drivers then shes all on! Throughout the morning the lap times drop, the drivers and crew warming to their tasks.....the track is the first to 'tap-out' developing two big holes at either end.  Maybe we shoud have put more water on or maybe two Sprint cars averaging around 90 mph will do this?

Quick break for lunch, Plum puts the heavy roller over track to smooth her out then we're all on. Dean's top-man from Traffic Management, Dean Kebbell, strolls over and says "Deans going for track record", sweet! I'm on the camera, Plums on stop watch! Unleash hell!

You just have to be there! I'll put the video on my you tube site but I  am just saying its so bloody  fast when you are actually there the video doesnt do it justice!
After a couple of laps the track started cutting up again  but that man Dean just keeps his foot right up it! like riding a buck'n bronco (or so I heard!) Sometime during his hot laps his brake rotor got torn off ! We discussed this later over a beer and we reckon new car... must have been sticking, because Dean Brindle don't use brakes! muh haa haaa!
11.14 seconds..... When Dean heard Rodney Woods got 11.4, he said he  just wanted to put the record back where he thinks it belongs!
Thanks from us all for a cool fathers day! Greg ,Dean and their family and crews you are a class act! welcome anytime! Cheers Cripp, Sam and Plum.

Its Winter...Quad Weather! Its Winter...Quad Weather!

Well its winter..i know this not because its got a wee bit chilli around the pipi, but because the track quitened down some what!
Been good in some ways i've managed to get some chores done around the house,Woop Woop!
But i havn't totally stayed away from the track, see one of the chores i did was buy meself a 700 raptor (atv) to try and kill my self yet again!Muh haaaa!
Set up a day with me nephew Cam and his mate andre just to have a crack.....was bloody good fun,wasnt as deadly as i thought it would be and over a few ales we  decided on an official day
Cam ran it had about 10 mates turn up bikes lowered and ready to race...some fella called Gavin Callender asked if i 'd mind him bringing his racing lawn mower..Hell Man! I ride a barstool Bring IT!
Cool day i've put some footage on the you tube channel check it out!
Now for some more chores.......I need a Tractor! Muh ha haa!

Mount saloons hit track! Mount saloons hit track!

Well it's that time of the year again.  The racing season is just about done and dusted and the drivers/owners of these awseome toys now get a chance to pay back their hard working crew and sponsors. I'll never get tired of the look on their faces as they get out of the car! It's like.... they have just stared 'Death' dead in his face and told him to shove it! ADRENALIN! The ultimate (and totally legal) drug. Some cry, some can't stop shak'n, but all have an irremovable smile and a story to tell forever!  And when they thought they had respect for their driver before, it's just gone up a whole new level! The simple facts are when you need to assume the position and kiss your freckle good bye, you can't, the five point harness and steering wheel get in the way! bugga! just drive.....whats the worst that can happen......?

Hans Boere told me his team have been looking forward to this all year! Imagine all that time that they've had to think. Are they going to be the 'driving god' they think they are (or not)?or will 800 gee gees smoke their freckle?  Too right they are 'driving gods',  they gave it a go! They might circulate the track looking like they are driving to the local dentist...but inside that cockpit they are staring at 'Death' doing the speed of  frik'n light Yeeee Haaaaaw!   bloody awesome!

Another  visit from the Mount saloons (one of my favourite groups)organised by Bryan Fraser. These guys and girls are so professional and they run the show themselves, wheel packing and tacking care of the track throughout the day like it was their own, and taking their kids for rides in their cars, something the little guys  will never forget ... I know I was one of those kids years ago and it's one of the things that makes me so passionate about this track! our pups are the future, like it or not, so give them a chance. Respect to you drivers and crew, you are a credit to your sport and club.

Check on you tube channel; Dalton Gang v Brent McClymont? or their crews?

Cheers  CRIPP

Kaihere School Kids Big Day Out! Kaihere School Kids Big Day Out!

After the Hoot Nanny, I was having a quiet ale as you do and was watching all the kids running around the track following the water truck getting absolutely covered in clay and having a complete ball. After a while we called them all in and gave them a bath in the cow trough, as you do.

It struck me that they'd been waiting all day while their dads, mums, etc. played and now it was their turn! We are catering for adults, why not have a kids day! (too many ales may be?).
I've got four kids of my own and we've got alot of toys, wouldn't be hard to do...it wasn't.

Got a mate, Craig Marshall, to approach our local scool and hand out some invitations. My 9year old boy, Tyrel,  came home and said the kids can't wait ..it'll be mean as.
A few parents concerned for their child's saftey..fair enough,   leave them on the play station, no pain there!

We started off the day with saloon car rides and those kids kept on coming, between 50 to100, all shapes, sizes and ages, and it just snow-balled into one of the best days we've ever had, it was awesome! Offroader driving, motorbikes and quad riding, bicycles,   paintball playing, egg catching, water balloon fights, sink the boat and a sausage sizzle with those tasty as  Best Meats Morrinsville specialty sausages!

Adults playing with kids, big kids helping lil ones. Not one cried,  not one threw a tantrum (parents included). A credit to our local community, so much laughter, so many happy kids all joining in and having a go, you just had to be there.  Jo Williams, a local mum said it was like one big family..true.

RESPECT to all you kids for participating and CAN DO attitude!
Thanks to my awesome family that keep giving their time and energy so that others can benefit...too cool! Thanks to Darren and especially Shiree, you are a legend girl!
Thanks to the parents that risked their kids lives...they will thank you for it!
I am going to do this again but may be on a bigger scale.
The feel-good reward waaaaay out-weighs the risk......
Tried to save you a lolly in the scramble James but them li'l fellas can move bruva!
PS. for all you locals check out Steve Clark and your kids on the site you tube channel thecripple62
LEST WE FORGET....its about the kids!
Happy Easter
The Cripple

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to James Selwyn from all of us at the track.Appreciate every thing you do for us and the sport! Cheers bruva!
 Check out the man on my youtube channel 'thecripple62'
Whats the music?

The Hoot Nanny is done and dusted! The Hoot Nanny is done and dusted!

The Hoot'Nanny is done and dusted. Quite pleased about that because as  mentioned before,  we're only a group of three organisers and we all work for a living, so trying to organise this event  was a bit nerve racking. Truth be told,  I'm a fitter/welder, Sams a secretary/Wonder Woman, and Plums, well,  Plum, a farmer who never stops. None of us are a 'promoters butt cheeks!'

But we must have got something right because it was a bloody cool day!
Raining Saturday. Man... there goes a week of prep work! Weather man says she'll clear up...Hey what do ya know he got it right, pressure off, you beauty. Show goes on!

'The Show'...why did we do it? Do we always want to be a Test and Tune track? Or have we the time, energy and skill to put on a race meet? Sunday was a two-fold thing, paying back some of the people that have supported the track,  our 1 year anniversary, and seeing what logistics we would have to have in place to manage a large group of drivers, cars and spectators...easy!

Well  we learnt heaps. Track surface held up perfectly, walkie talkies a must, Sharee, Darren, Noah, Axel and Kenneth, all bloody golden, and a special 'woop woop' for James Selwyn.  He spent Saturday with me advising what to change and what to look out for, invaluable information. Also a big thanks to Maurice and Bryce for looking after their respected classes of cars.

The biggest thanks of all  is to those that supported the day and were patient with us!
Will we do it again? in a heart beat! My highlight was catching up with Big Al (purchasing officer for LION RED BREWERIES) he's a living god! Seeing the kids in cars going for laps. Kids running and playing on the track after racing was done while the adults indulged in a beverage and the odd story....Was thinking those kids should have helmets on and shouldn't be on the infield and should be wearing Hi viz.. We need to get a man with a white coat and clip board, a right official lil pr.....Yeah Right! Muh Muh Haa Haaaaaa! we got Plum!

P.S. Good luck to Paul and Heidi on your upcoming marriage this weekend
     and congrats to Jamie and Vanessa on your recent engagement.


Well there goes another flat-out weekend! Back to work for a rest!
Again I find myself saying "what an awesome bunch of people."

Greg Pickerill chas'n an engine problem that he aquired after his 'big dump'(his words) at Bay Park. Took two days but when he got it runn'n, yeah man! Check out the video on my You Tube channel, this man can go!

Then there's Jamie MacDonald. Now I've been wanting to see this young fella run here and he didn't disappoint. He came down to let his sponsors, MR MAKITA and MR WYNNS,  and crew go for a blast in the #71 Sprintcar. This is just so cool! Giving people a chance to 'have a go' no bullshit no bureaucracy just straight up good ol'fashioned fun YEE HAAAAA!
Car owner and Jamies dad, Bruce, even had a go! first time in 7 years so cool.
Can't wait to catch up with these folks again! We like em.

Which leads me into Hoot'Nanny week! Sunday 20th March 2011
Sorry folks invitation only (may be different next year). Sam, Plum and myself got together one night just chillin and thought why dont we 'pay it back' and invite some of the drivers and crew that have come to the track alot in the last year for an anniversary bash!
Game on! Absolutely can't wait till next Sunday. Biggest amount of cars we've ever had at once coming to the track.  Possibility some impromtu racing may break out during the day, and its a dead cert beer, BBQ and bullpucky session at night!

Been Thinking Been Thinking

Been think'n.
You know how you can get caught up in all your own stuff (work'n, kids, woman, etc) and you forget about the people that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

In a moment of rare clarity, the #1 preferred photographer, James Selwyn, made a comment at the track on the weekend. "You know Cripp, Bryce and Plum are doing a real neat thing here," (hope I got that right James?).  You see I'm so busy I forget what's happening around me sometimes.  I see what Plum's doing, but it took James's comment to see that what we are doing,  we are not doing  alone. 

Bryce, Jen, Willy, James, Daz, Hubba, Alf, Timmy, Sam are giving their time and energy and introducing new people to the beautiful sport of speedway (Open Wheel Driving Experience). This past weekend they entertained Wade Cunningham, young NZ International Indy Car driving legend based in America, for his first time on the dirt, and at the other end of the spectrum, reintroduced ex-stockcar driver from the late 60's early 70's (Plum's era), Bruce Taylor, from the legendary stock car team 'Swamp Rats'  back to the dirt in a midget.  His lovely wife even went for a blast, she still got it!. Some things never change (hmmmmm, maybe opportunity?).  Bruce and his family spent the day driving at Bryce's driving school, young ones starting out, old ones reliving memories. So Cool to watch! Lov'n the SMILES! 

Thanks Bryce, Jenny and Crew for supplying the opportunity for the average 'Joe Bloe' to fulfill a dream.  Thanks James for reminding me that we are all in it together, RESPECT.

For all you people out there that say "I CAN'T," say "I CAN."  Do something for your sport, PAY IT BACK.

Thinking of you all in Christchurch.(struggling to relate, when all around here seems so peaceful)  the world is flat where we are! Be strong.

Track open! Track open!

Well, when I looked at the damage to the track last week it was like someone had stole me jam off  me doughnut! There was no way that I thought it would be repaired in less than a week! You see,  the photo only shows one place on the track, there were three other places just as bad!
I've been a bit crook so have been out of touch with Plum when he rang to say "the tracks all good." I thought  'he's taking the Michael!'
Plum you are an absolute legend! With the help of Darren (Man Friday)and all your toys,  thank you on behalf of all the patrons of the track. I know how much work it takes just to maintain it, let alone repair it! When do you sleep Fella?
To all the people that rang and sent emails,  thanks for your support. We often wonder why we are doing this? Giving people an opportunity and meeting cool people to name a few. But without Plums generosity and passion none of this would be happening!
Thanks again Plum and Darren...Reespek....TRACKS OPEN!

Cyclone Wilma hits Patetonga! Closes track Cyclone Wilma hits Patetonga! Closes track

Ever wondered what 200mls of rain in 8 hours does to a clay track?  Me neither but after seeing the results it's pretty shocking!
Sam, kids and I went to Coromandel for the weekend, weather reports saying rain sunday and monday, wrong! pretty impressive downpour. Was having to stay for another  night,  flooding, slips, carnage, trapped, swim, drink beer,  have a laugh with the locals, didn't even think of the track.
Get home and Plum says "we're out of speedway and into jetsprinting!" Go check out the track.
Yep! not good, serious damage people. The track is going to be closed for a while.  Here we go, the fickle finger of fate strikes again! Will keep you updated with progress!

Love that flame job! Love  that flame job!

Pardon our tardiness in getting the new lot of news up from the weekend.  Eek!, back to work on the 17th and finding it a bit hard to get into the swing of things.   Both Saturday and Sunday brought a great mix of people to the track.  Most of them 'newbies' to Patetonga.  Talk about having a hoot.

Saturday 15th
Scott Lonsdowne with his Saloon (74A).  Love the traditional black with orange/yellow/white flame job, our fav! 
Jessie Low and Mike Brooker with their new saloon (34W), ironing out the kinks and getting in a few dusty laps.
Brendon Stuckey, one of our very first patrons to the track, which believe it or not is coming up a year now. Great to catch up with you Brendon and see you skidding it up. 
Phil Crumpe with his 'Red Cat Racing' modified, good old number 36.  Got heaps of laps in and had a bonza day. 
The infamous Paul (Mad Midget) and Heidi with their modified (25A).  Paul got in HEAPS of laps, including mushroom picking, trout fishing and hill climbing! Gordon Bennett! this guy needs a trophy for 'most talented'!

Sunday 16th brought forth another array of mixed characters.  Wayne Green with his 'Grengo Racing' crew.  Far too many names to mention, but most got in the seat of Wayne's midget and put in some hot laps, ye haa!  Good on ya Grengos, we enjoyed your company and were very entertained.
Bryan and Kayne Buck from Hamilton with their new F2 midget, looking real sharp.  Got their laps in and Kayne had his first time drive in a midget. Looks like that ministock will be getting parked up? Way to go Kayne. 
The Wards from down Taranaki way came along  once again with Paul's modified and Craig's sprint.  Rocked up in their big truck with family in tow and scooted around the track for a big part of the day.  Lots of dust, sun and heat!

We have a few new things coming up on the horizon, will keep you posted.  Until then, Hasta la Vista!

Steve William's Ford GT40! Steve William's Ford GT40!

So there it was, a stunning red and white Ford GT40 coming down the driveway into the parking lot.  Who is it?  Steve Williams Caddyshack Racing thats who!  That is one awesome looking car and one lucky guy, WOW.  Mel Hills (Crew Chief) was telling me Tiger gave it to Steve when he won it at a golf tournament some years ago, 2005 I think? Talk about  everyone being 'green with envy'. Cripp had the photo on his phone, and here it is!

Mel  was down for the day with the Caddyshack Racing super saloon trying to figure out carburettor issues.  Spent a good part of the day there with Steve and got it sorted, all happy.  Steve made the kid's day by signing hats and our 'Wall of Fame', cheers Steve.  Hope to see you back soon (wishful thinking I know, but maybe with Tiger in tow?).

Leyton Kendall, his fiance, dad Lyndon and cousin Michael showed up with Leyton's midget.  Michael came along to help set the car up, get a few laps in and make sure the car was running sweet. Leyton was looking pretty sharp by the end of the day, cheers Michael.  It's always good to share the knowledge.

Gary Edwards from Waihi  rocked up with a few of his crew and super saloon.  Had new bars to try out and needed a slick track to do just that.  We reckon he looked pretty fine out there.  Love'n that Dodge Rumble Bee!

Last but not least was Larry Edmondson and son Mike.  Larry hasn't raced for a few years so has dusted the saloon off and brought her out to get some lap time in.   Had a great time and hopefully we'll see him back soon. 

That's all folks.  Happy holidaying!

Hot Summer Days! Hot Summer Days!

Monday 3rd Jan.   Talk about a hot day!  The morning saw a large number of clients and spectators  with Bryce Townsend's Open Wheel Driving Experience. 

Next lot in for the afternoon, Mike Brunt (#3NZ midget) and his dad Craig,  coming to set up a few things and try them out.  Reece and Jacqui Salmon with their two minisprints coming for a scoot round.  Brad Milne (minisprint) not having too much luck with his car.  Not running as it should be and they went away scratching their heads.  Troy Kete with his midget getting some lap time in.

Crikey, one of the hottest summer days yet we reckon!  The Open Wheel team and a few stragglers sat down late in the afternoon and had a few quiet ones, with everyone looking a bit worse for wear, hot, bothered and covered in orange dust.  Gotta love Patetonga!

Tuesday 4th Jan.  The afternoon brought Rodney Wood and his crew to the track.  They had  different setups to try out and had a pretty successful afternoon.  Rodney's son, Cole, did the first few warm up laps, then went for a skid at the end of the day. He had a pretty big smile on his face. Good luck for your racing this weekend Rodney.

Thats about it for now.  A few dates coming up with people using the track to setup. Check out the events on the home page for booked dates, or get in touch with us on the contact page if your wanting to come along. 


A quiet day at work! and Matt Gillingham A quiet day at work! and Matt Gillingham

Well that was my plan. Up at four, drive to Cambridge, check on the rapid cool freezer that I've been working on, breakfast, home by nine, easy last day! simple.

Walk into freezer, eight ton of cheese on floor, collasped shelf, smashed proxi switches, game over BOLLOCKS!

Cut, weld, grind. Four hours later outer there!see you next year!

Driving home, decide to drop into the track to check out the action, a good decision. Have you ever heard the sound of a Shaver engine! freezer, what freezer? This is living, what a beautiful sound.  Plum reckons he could listen to this all day no problem.

The sound was coming from Matt Gillingham's sprint car, looking tidy with his new sponsers  decals on,Barrier Reef Pools,nice! Had a wee chat with Matt's fiance' Hope Textor (nice) and his Dad who was there helping out for the day.  Found out he's only nineteen! been racing for three years, got a mortgage, a wee boy Riley and about to be married! JEEZUS! slow down I wanna get off!Imagine where he's going to be by twenty one.

Car rolls in, Matt's getting out with the help of his younger brother Reece ( I think he was the brother? hard to tell) See Matt's a big fella for nineteen whereas Reece looked about fourteen and 40kg ringing wet! cocky lil bugger starts putt'n on the overalls. Looking around I'm think'n where's his car? I fail to see him whip into the sprinters control room! It's 850hp lil fella! wee bit different than play station! give us a push Matt....He's tak'n the piss surely?He has more chance of  eating candy floss in a wind tunnel!  apparently not!

I watch him roll around the track gradually gaining speed. The young tackers good and getting better with each lap!(did I tell you he's cocky). I asked Matt, are you nervous about your car? nope! Young fellas gotta learn somewhere, no better place than here.

Turned out to be a cool day compared to how it started, awesome bunch of guys and girl ,a pleasure to meet you all.

Then Bryce and Willy turn up for a quick blast, Sam turns up with cold, cold beer and we all sit around shooting the s#$t! bloody nice! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Videos on "You Tube" Videos on "You Tube"

We've started to run a channel on 'You Tube' you can see these by going to You Tube and searching for' Patetonga Speedway' or going to '62cripple' channel.You Might even be on it!

If you are coming to the track and you want footage of your day ask Sam and she will try and organise it. Happy veiwing!


Tim Stone makes 3rd on podium Tim Stone makes 3rd on podium

Latest news from the track.  Last season Tim Stone came to the track as a complete novice to do a drive day experience with Bryce Townsend's Open Wheel Driving School.  He absolutely loved it (the start of 'THE BUG').  Cripp asked him "are you going to get a car?" He replies "I don't think the wife will let me."  The winter passed, Tims back at the driving school.  Cripp asked him again "are you going to buy a car?" he replies "not only have I bought a car, I am in the process of getting one built."  Cripp replies "muh haaa haaa, are you going racing?" Tim replies "yep, tonight."  Cripp cracks up. Tim Stone (airline pilot) has caught 'THE BUG.' He's stuffed, he's hooked!

On his 2nd night out at Western Springs he makes it to 3rd place on the podium, you beauty! But you just know he isn't happy with this, he wants podium number one!

No.1  Bryce and Crew for supplying the school and the knowledge, no.2 for Plum and crew for supplying the venue, and by no means last, Timmy, for having the talent and passion, good on ya, go get that no.1 podium placing! (P.S. Tim,  Cripps still hang'n out to come into the 'pit of cocks'.  Seeya soon.)

Patetonga Speedway: supplying new drivers to Speedway NZ. Yeeee Haaaa!

The Dalton Gang The Dalton Gang

The Dalton Gang turned up today with their big a#*e transporter to set up their car for driver Peter Murphy.

Nice fella, hell of a driver, watch him go at the springs! 12.3 on a patchy track, fast man! check it out on You Tube! Patetonga Speedway!

Did you know he collects clay from every track he's raced on? a  little bit of Patetonga's best on the way to the States! world famous. YEAH RIGHT!

Latest News Latest News

The latest news to emerge from the track is


We are helping sponsor in a small way Dion Kendall.  He has been coming to the track over the winter with Julieann and his dad to learn to drive his new sprint car, quite a step up from go karts!    He has been very impressive to watch and because of his persistance and dedication, relaxed and happy-go-lucky nature, we have all grown quite fond of him.  In his own words "I'm liv'n the dream."  We'll update you each week with his progress.  We believe he is going to go far in this sport.

His first race meet on 6 November 2010 saw him start off the back of the grid (rookie).  Car setup wrong, spun out, failed to finish, bother!  Second race started front row, grid 2, changed the setup, advice from crew, 1st Place, ye haa!  The feature, grid 12, into first corner hard on brakes, car sideways, hit marbles, slid into Karen Forsey, lost the wing, race over.  Better luck next week Dion. 


Cripp and Darren have setup bleachers for spectator viewing with help from Sam in the cleaning/scrubbing department.


Cripp and Darren have also been working on the new flag station/executive viewing platform (think Indianapolis!). All looking fairly impressive we reckon.


Massive day on Saturday Massive day on Saturday

So, where do we start?  Massive day on Saturday 9th October '10, one that will remain with us for a very long time.  Three drivers and their side-kicks came along despite the dodgey weather. 

The lovely Kaycie O'Connor (ministock 98R) from Rotorua, with her dad Terry and his good mate Craig. They were concerned she had lost her confidence with driving her car but WOW, by the end of the day she was by-no-means-shy to hit the throttle.  Way to go KC, and what a way to support your daughter, it was awesome to watch it all unfold. Check out KC on the gallery.

The up-and-coming Danny Keene (TQ midget) and his crew.  Initially intimidated by Dean's set-up alongside him, but boy did he SHINE! First time out in his new car, struggled for traction with the wet track but when it slicked off he really hit the 'groove', good on ya Danny.

Now the big one,  Dean Brindle (sprintcar 22A) and his crew.  What an awesome outfit.  Brand new car, fresh motor and paint job, impressive. Check out that motorised toolbox!  As with all professional crews they spent the day adjusting and perfecting their car and its performance.  By the end of the day they had that car humming.  Plum leant in the drivers window on his last session and said "ok lad, the track record is 13.4, get under 12 seconds and I'll throw you $1,000 bucks! Challenge accepted! Unbelievable skill, took three laps.  First lap, 12.05seconds, second lap 12.02seconds, third lap, BUSHKA! 11.612 bloody seconds, you beauty! the crowd goes wild. What a day! Thanks Dean, hope you get that number one spot back, you deserve it.

Cripp and Sam  went home that night and were in awe of what they had seen that day.  And all is good with the world (in Patetonga anyway).

1 Hippopotamus....2 Hippopotamus....muh muh muhaa haa haaaaa!

Terry Casey - Waikato School Principle happy(First for me!)

Ray Ray And crew Ray Ray Happy as!

Bucks 21st mean as day

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